View answers for Level 0 to Level 5
Level 6 à Level 7
Password for the level 6: DXjZPULLxYr17uwoI01bNLQbtFemEgo7
Username: bandit6
We have to find the password from whole over the server. Therefore find it from root (/).
2>/dev/null is used for redirect unwanted outputs. Just try it without 2>/dev/null.
Level 7 à Level 8
Password for the level 7: HKBPTKQnIay4Fw76bEy8PVxKEDQRKTzs
Username: bandit7
Find the word using grep. Send the output of cat command to grep command using pipe (|) operator.
Level 8 à Level 9
Password for the level 8: cvX2JJa4CFALtqS87jk27qwqGhBM9plV
Username: bandit8
Sort the data and then find the unique field using uniq command by passing the option –u (unique)
'uniq' does not detect repeated lines unless they are adjacent.
You may want to sort the input first or use 'sort -u' without 'uniq'.
Level 9 à Level 10
Password for the level 9: UsvVyFSfZZWbi6wgC7dAFyFuR6jQQUhR
Username: bandit9
Level 10 à Level 11
Password for the level 10: truKLdjsbJ5g7yyJ2X2R0o3a5HQJFuLk
Username: bandit10
It is encoded using base64. Therefore we have decode it using base64 by passing the option –d (decode)
Level 11 à Level 12
Password for the level 11: IFukwKGsFW8MOq3IRFqrxE1hxTNEbUPR
Username: bandit11
Translate a by m and rest of the letters using tr command.